Will You Stand With Me?
Let's Defend Democracy - Together!
Women's Rights are Human Rights! The Dobbs decision changed the face of women’s health in this nation, and things have only gotten worse in the two years since its passing. We can see it just across the border in Idaho, which has one of the harshest anti-abortion policies in the country. The lack of Obstetricians and both pre-and-post-natal care providers has turned North Idaho into a medical desert, and has flooded Spokane’s hospitals with medical refugees. No pregnant person should be forced to carry a fetus to term if they don't wish to do so, or if it would be detrimental to their well-being. If any one woman is considered a second-class citizen in this country, we all are. It’s time to step up to do what’s right, and protect women’s health.

Defending Democracy! We are facing an unprecedented assault on our Democracy, our Rights, and our Way of Life right now. When Michaela joined the United States Army in 1995, she swore an Oath to Protect, Uphold, and Defend the US Constitution. Against All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic. Michaela has not wavered on that determination since her retirement, and her upbringing in Germany provided her with the education that enabled her to recognize that Project 2025 and Agenda 47 are blueprints for a fascist future.
Right now, the threat comes from within.

Education is Key! We need to ensure that ALL children can get the best education available. It shouldn’t depend on where they live, or how much money their parents have. Michaela Kelso will work to ensure that our schools are well-funded, and our educators are paid wages that are equal to their responsibilities. When our kids are well-educated, we all win.

Protecting the Environment Protects You! We don't need to look far to see the effects of climate change and industrial pollution. Devastating fires, contaminated water, and, as a result of both, loss of life and property. But where is the support and leadership from our representatives? Missing in Action! Passing legislation to hold polluters accountable and funding investigations into the extent of the damage and how to fix it will be one of her top priorities as a legislator. You can rest assured that as your representative, Michaela Kelso will fight to protect your rights to clean air, clean water, and a resilient, natural environment.

We need to End the Housing Crisis! The cost of housing has skyrocketed in the last few years, making renting, let alone buying a home, too expensive for many. We need to encourage the construction of multi-family homes, which will create medium-density and mixed-use residential areas, and reduce urban sprawl. Rampant market speculation has led to many housing prices nearly doubling in the last five years. This trend will only continue until the average Spokanite is priced out of their own city. Something must be done to curb this massive change. If necessary, municipalities should be able to regulate rent increases to ensure residents aren't priced out of their homes.

No one plans on being unhoused. As such, Michaela sees people in these situations less of a problem to be “fixed” than a group that needs to be assisted. We need to enable communities to provide resources, in coordination with local partners, to help prevent and reduce homelessness. This can be done with grants or other financial resources being offered to communities, mental health facilities, short-term affordable housing, diversion programs and addiction services. With these combined, assisting those among us who have fallen on the hardest times becomes possible.

Investing in our Healthcare! Medical Personnel deserve our respect. They deserve thriving ages, not pay cuts. Rural hospitals need to remain open to keep rural communities thriving. Paid medical leave is critical to ensure workers can get well without having to worry about making rent. Let’s work together to lower healthcare costs and make sure our medical workers are respected.

Veterans Safeguard our Way of Life, and Michaela is one of them, spending over 23 years in the US Army. While we have come a long way in taking care of those who fight to protect us, there is still much work to be done, especially regarding their healthcare. The VA has been underfunded and understaffed, but when functional it serves as a model for all healthcare nationwide. For as much as people frequently talk about supporting our troops, much of that has been shown to be little more than lip service. Real action needs to be taken to ensure the people who are willing to give everything for us are treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve.
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